As the world is well and truly becoming a global village, many ideas from developing countries find their way into western societies. One of those which many people, including us, have readily embraced is wearing their child in a baby sling.
For the past few decades we’ve seen many different sling designs appear on the market. Baby carriers now come in all shapes and sizes. One of the designs favoured by parents is our Baba Sling (you can read our story in a previous blog post).
We recently had a chat with one of the first Baba Slings models (from 1999!) and asked her what she loved most about wearing her baby in a Baba Sling. Here are her top five favourite things about our Sling:
Baba Slings' design stands out because of the unique double adjustment mechanism that makes it a really versatile carrier. You can adjust both top and bottom railings for extreme comfort and solid safety. It’s made from high quality breathable cotton twill and is well padded along both edges. Altogether it makes the cosiest baby hammock!
Brother in Arms - Zach and little Phoenix
Because our design is a one-size-fits-all, any member of the family can wear it. It gives Dad a chance to take a more active role in raising little bubba from the very beginning and it gives him the opportunity to really experience closeness with their little one. As women and men seek greater equality and participation in each other’s traditional tasks, a Baba Sling can get you one step closer to the ideal of partnership in parenthood.
Grandma, grandpa, aunt and uncle can carry the baby comfortably and experience the joy of having a tiny being close to their heart. Older siblings can wear it too and form a wonderful attachment to their younger brother or sister. If your older kids are big enough (generally over 13) to carry the little ones, get them to use the Baba Sling sometimes. It will help them form a unique and loving sibling bond. Watching it emerge is priceless!
Getting sleepy on the beach :)
Many parents love the Sling for its upright position, which is considered the optimal position. Even though upright carriers are still very popular they don’t allow the same flexibility that you will find with a Baba Sling. If your baby is sleepy and you’re still out and about, you can just lay them down! You don't have to let their head and limbs dangle. If they want to see what’s going on and have a similar perspective to Mum or Dad, you can turn them around and sit them cross-legged and facing out in the Joey position. Your bubba's legs won't be left dangling and there will be no pressure on the bottom of their spine (refer to Instructions). Once they can hold themselves up, it's great to carry them on your hip to help them develop a better relationship with their environment early on. You can alternate shoulders and have the sling off shoulder too, so that the weight of your baby doesn't always put pressure on the one spot on your body. You’re never stuck in just one position with a Baba Sling. It’s a carrier that actually meets the needs of the baby and the person carrying and gives you the most natural, effortless feel. That's what carrying your baby should be.
Breastfeeding in a Baba Sling
Comfortable, easy and discreet. That's what breastfeeding in the Baba Sling feels like. You can breastfeed without taking it off, anywhere you are. Just rearrange the baby in the Sling and feed them. It’s that simple! (again, see instructions for more detailed info).
You can use one Baba Sling for many years. It's brilliant for very young infants and you can use it well into toddlerhood without compromising your back and shoulders. It's so durable that many of our friends and customers have used one Sling for numerous children, over many years (like 10!) and sometimes even given it to their friends.
These are 5 very good reasons why so many parents have chosen Baba Slings. Why did you go for a Baba Sling and what did you like most? Let us know in comments below!
Lots of love from the Baba Slings Team!