If your baby is not one of those who
instantly takes to and loves his or her Baba Sling, but instead cries or
fusses when you first use it, please be reassured by experienced wearers:
that this is perfectly all right, for he or she will soon come to love it!
Check your list:
Is your baby hungry? If so, go ahead and breastfeed your baby in the Baba
Sling! (Or bottle-feed for that matter). Babies love this and often go off
into a long and deep restful sleep. Youll be able to discreetly breastfeed
in the Baba Sling, and can even do it comfortably on the go. For some this
may take some getting used to, but so do lots of good things!
Does your baby have some wind? If so put him/her into the upright position
facing you. Youll find again and again that the pressure of the Baba
Sling holding baby up to you will bring up wind and help them to empty their
Remember to relax and breathe, and try it when you are both relaxed. Go
for a walk, this is sure to soothe even the most restless or upset baby.
Rock/sing/coo to your baby. Movement is very soothing. As soon as you get
your baby in the Baba Sling, start moving.
Another thing is that your baby may feel a little claustrophobic. Some caesarean
babies are likely to prefer more room because they have not had the experience
of going through the birth canal. In such a case, pull back some of the
material so that your baby can see out.
Try your baby in some of the upright positions. Either - sitting up and
facing you. That is, in the semi-upright position with head on the shoulder
padding side. Alternatively - they may want to see the world, so put them
into the outward facing position. For an older child put them on the hip,
opposite to the padding. Tune in to your baby and see what position he/she
wants to be in, find the needs that he/she wants you to meet.
In the same way that clothes keep your child warm so too does the Baba Sling
keep him or her warm and close in your love.
The Baba Sling is something that is extremely worthwhile in persevering
with. One young couple said that the Baba Sling is the most valuable accessory
that they owned in relation to they 18 month old baby.
Centuries of use, and now research at various universities (e.g., McGill,
Tulane, Columbia) show that profound and many benefits go with Sling Wearing,
as with the Baba Sling. These will not be so pronounced if it is not used
- and often. So please, if you have any queries with how to use the Baba
Sling or any questions, please phone, write or e-mail us. We love our Baba
Slings and know their integral role in humanity's unfoldment into a more
healthy and loving society.
In Service, Yours Sincerely
Shanti McIvor: :babaslings@beachaccess.com.au