Dear Shanti,
We are writing to thank you for making a huge difference to our lives. For months we tried pouches and other contraptions to carry our daughter in. We would end up with a sore back and neck and a tired and grizzly baba. This was not our objective. Finally we came across a lady at the market wearing a Baba Sling. Immediately we asked her for a referral and that was the start of a new closeness and comfort for us all. Our daughter Sarsha clearly felt more at ease with the natural positions she was being carried in. We no longer had any discomfort in our back or necks when carrying Sarsha all day.
We have very social lives and our Baba Sling has made it possible for our daughter to learn the beautiful art of interaction with all our wonderful friends and family and then take a nap when she gets weary - all of this without a weary back and neck for us. Hooray.
Thank you. Kind regards,
Simone, Anthony and Sarsha Merlo |
Dear Shanti,
The navy sling arrived the morning after I ordered it. Great service.
With Thanks. Catherine Lee
Cathy Bock and her partner Nigel Duncan are both midwives, who practice at Selengor Hospital in Nambour, they also are practicing Homebirth midwives.
Dear Shanti,
The sling is fabulous. Very comfortable and Angus loves it. He also sleeps very well in it and is very cosy. I have had a lot of comments about it wherever I go and people are always looking at me. An old lady the other day told me it was the most sensible thing she had ever seen.
Love and peace, Cathy |
"We are really happy with our sling, and Jaylen our baby boy absolutely loves it, he is so peaceful whilst being worn in the sling. It beats the traditional baby carriers by far, much more comfortable for both parent and child."
Thanks, Chris. |
I ordered and received my sling quite some time ago now, and then anxiously awaited the arrival of my son.
I have used the sling extensively both around the house and out and about. It is comfortable for both of us. Andreas always goes to sleep when I put him in it.
A number of people have commented on the sling and how unusual it is. I have never seen anyone else use a sling, in my area.
Thank you, I am so pleased I found your slings on the internet. They are very difficult to find and too expensive to import. Besides I would rather support an Australian business, whenever possible.
cheers Larissa and 9 week old Andreas |
Hi Shanti,
Firstly I'd like to congratulate you on a wonderful product - I bought my babasling last Christmas and it has been well used in the last six months or so. You might remember me - I gave you the wrong street number for posting my sling and it was returned to you etc etc. I'm glad it made it here in the end! I have found my sling especially useful for carrying my second baby while still being able to attend to my older child.
Thanks, Katrina.
Hi Shanti
I recently spoke to you at the Eumundi markets. Following the birth of my daughter Gemma in November last year I rang you in desperation to get a hold of one of your baba slings. I had read where babies who were carried by their caregivers cried less and were more settled. I knew however the more commercial "baby carriers" currently on the market were not what I was after. Your sling was exactly what I had been searching for; a papoose style sling. Once Gemma was put into the sling she was never more content. I too was able to continue my normal household activities. I no longer felt I was a slave to my child having to pace up and down the hall to try and settle her. I am happy to say that I could not wish for a happier baby than the one I have today. She is now 7 months old and I still pop her in her sling if she becomes unsettled and in an instant she relaxes but is still able to remain alert. I have found the sling so wonderful that I would like to send one to my sister in Canada who is expecting her first child.
Thanks, Jo-Anne.
Hi Shanti,
just wanted to let you know our baba sling arrived safely today - you are right, My husband and I love it and I can't wait to actually have this baby so we can get cosy with this babasling together. Thanks so much for your service. I attend a regular group on Fridays for expectant mothers (Talking Birth) and I will be taking your brochures with me to hand out.
Ok, that's all, thanks again, Stephanie
I would like to thank you for the extremely quick service in getting my sling to me.
I ordered on Tuesday, and asked for one to be made a little bit bigger than standard. It arrived on Friday ... I couldn't believe it!!!
I have been using the sling quite a bit and it is great. I can spend time doing things with my two year old now and at the same time I get lots of close contact with my three week old.
I am so impressed. May your business flourish.
Denise, Mollie (2) and Angus (2 wks)
I bought a double strap babasling yesterday. It looks like a great concept, and our six month old daughter is big for her age so it's an effort to carry her around unaided, but we've been very keen to do so as much as possible. It's very uplifting to us when we find people in business with altruistic motives and perspective.
Gal. |
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